

Where personal passions and professional life intersect

Work life balance consists of three components within each person’s life, and our collections are designed around them.

  1. The juggler — This is the part of you that tries the hardest to keep all the balls in the air, to keep the house clean, the kids fed, and the deadlines met at work. The WorkNMomma collection is for you. This one brings in a little bit of home, a little bit of work, and a little bit of mindfulness to help you keep it all together.
  2. Your career path — This is the part of you that wants to climb the ladder, even though you’re exhausted from all the stuff that’s going on in the first two categories. You may be moving along great, or you might find yourself at a career crossroads. This collection, Take a Step Back, is about mentorship, lessons learned, and gaining the traction to move forward without feeling like you’re on a tightrope.