
Meet WorknMomma

Where personal passions and professional life intersect

Meet WorknMomma

The second collection in our Avail Inspiration journey is focused on the organized chaos that most of us are familiar with as we work to keep all the balls in the air – maintain the place we live, take care of ourselves/children/pets, keep up with deadlines at work, and progress our social and professional lives while also making some time to regroup between all the other activities that make their way onto our calendars. WorknMomma represents a bit of home, a bit of work, and a bit of mindfulness to help you keep it all together.

This collection will include products and groups for community engagement focused on topics like remote work, best practices for managing distributed teams, and tips and tricks for staying organized. As with all of our collections, we want to hear your suggestions and requests for products, discussions groups, and other ideas. Please reach out to us on social media or via email at WorknMomma@AvailInspiration.com. We look forward to hearing from you!